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SM Store Fashionista Mom Contest!

Shop at The SM Store during the MOTHER'S DAY weekend (May 11-13, 2013) for a chance to win a Php20,000 worth of Fashion Makeover.

Visit The SM Store (Department Store Official Page) for details.

Open to all Filipino residents, 18 years old and above.

Send the following to http://www.facebook.com/TheSMStore (via private message)

1) Mom’s best fashion photo* wearing The SM Store Fashion

2) Scanned copy of a minimum one-thousand pesos (Php 1,000) single-receipt* from any The SM Store branch, dated May 11-13 2013. Purchase of cell cards, phone cards, concert tickets, or any Customer Service Sales and Services not accepted.

3) Mom’s complete name*; address*; contact numbers*; birthday*; email address*

4) If someone else nominates mom, nominator’s complete name*; address*; contact number*; birthday*; email address* and Mom’s consent* to be nominated

*The following are mandatory

For more details, click on http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.234744233316956.1073741831.184100765047970&type=3

Per DTI-NCR Permit No 2717, Series of 2013.